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Thorburn Chiropractic & Wellness Center Blog

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60 Second Tip - Aging Healthfully

Many people believe that moving into your senior years means illness and disability. Not so!  Especially today, aging healthfully can be accomplished by making positive lifestyle changes.  How can you lower the physical stress of aging on your body...

60 Second Arthritis & Your Gut

Over 30 million Americans suffer from age-related arthritis also known as osteoarthritis. Some end up with surgery to replace or repair joints. Many end up on anti-inflammatories to reduce the pain...

60 Second Home Workspace

Greetings from Dr. T: You are working from home on your laptop or tabletop. Yikes! Back pain, neck pain, eye strain, fatigue. Here are some tips for setting up your home space...

60 Second Sleep

Sleep “charges your battery” and rejuvenates you so that you can enjoy the next day’s activities with enthusiasm and positive expectations. Important metabolic processes your body needs to stay healthy...

60 Second Magnesium

Most Americans would greatly benefit from increasing their intake of magnesium.  Magnesium is found in foods such as nuts, seeds, leafy greens, peas, beans, and whole grains. Supplementation is also a good way to increase this vital nutrient while not increasing caloric intake...

60 Second Tip - An Avocado a Day

For years, this nutritious green fruit (yes, they are a fruit, not a vegetable) has been avoided by many due to its high-fat content.  According to a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association, eating one avocado a day as part of a heart-healthy, cholesterol-lowering moderate-fat diet can help improve bad cholesterol levels...

60 Second Tip - Get Ready for Some ZZZ’s

Sleep charges your battery and rejuvenates you so that you can enjoy the next day’s activities with enthusiasm and positive expectations.  The most important metabolic processes your body needs to stay healthy occur while you are asleep...

60 Second Brain Fog

Do you find yourself constantly feeling fatigued, distracted, suffering from headaches, unmotivated, anxious, moody, or just plain out of sorts? You might be suffering from “brain fog.” Brain fog can be caused by nutrient deficiencies, sugar overload, a lack of sleep, and stress, all of which deplete energy levels...

60 Second Thyroid

Greetings from Dr. T.: The thyroid is a small gland located in the front of the neck below the Adam’s apple. It produces hormones that regulate how fast we burn food...

60 Second Green Goodness

Yummmm …avocados! These green bundles of yumminess are actually good for you. Avocados have good fats that are linked to lower levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol. Fats help you feel full for longer periods of time which helps reduce food cravings and energy drops. Avocados help your body better absorb fat-soluble nutrients like vitamins A, D, E, and K...

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